Posted 17 April 2024

Assassin's Creed Mirage (Xbox Series X / One)

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RockstarRobbo Super Poster
Joined in 2011

About this deal

Experience the story of Basim, a cunning street thief with nightmarish visions, seeking answers and justice as he navigates the bustling streets of ninth-century Baghdad. Through a mysterious, ancient organization known as the Hidden Ones, he will become a deadly Master Assassin and change his fate in ways he never could have imagined.

Discover a tightly crafted, narrative-driven action-adventure experience that follows the transformation of a defiant young man into a refined Master Assassin.
Journey to Alamut, the legendary home of the Assassins who laid the foundations of the Creed in this heartfelt homage to the game that started it all.
Experience a modern take on the iconic features and gameplay that have defined a franchise for 15 years as you parkour seamlessly through the city and stealthily take down targets with more visceral assassinations than ever before.
Explore an incredibly dense and vibrant city whose inhabitants react to your every move, and uncover the secrets of four unique districts as you venture through the Golden Age of Baghdad.
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  1. Gr0uty's avatar
    Tempting, I think they are having a free trail for this at the moment.
  2. mattmenzies's avatar
    Avoid at all costs
    Chris_Fletch-bc412.85391's avatar
  3. Chris_Fletch-bc412.85391's avatar
    What's the proportion of assassin vs alien/time travel/animus nonsense in this one? Feels like they ramped up the kooky stuff in recent ones and it's really tiresome
    MDog0101's avatar
    Didn’t find it that bad in odyssey, only at the end really… was Valhalla that bad? Still yet to play that.
  4. MrGarrettHawkes's avatar
    I really enjoyed this creed more than i have the past few games, as good as the last 2 have been the bloat and filler was too much for me, they was more like MMORPG levels of grind. This one is alot shorter and more focused, which for me worked in its favour, felt alot more like classic AC games and less of a second job feeling to it. I will say the story wasnt anything to shout about though, not terrible but not great either, you can tell it was orginally set to be DLC to valhalla before being made in to its own game. If your a fan of AC and havnt tried this one yet, you cant argue at this price, have some heat
  5. fruman23's avatar
    I finished it last night, 22 hours to see the credits roll, probably around 27-28 for the completionists, gave up after about 50 hours of valhalla, felt like they shoved in filler content just to prolong the playtime

    This is worth a pickup for anyone on the fence though
  6. Takavor_Vardig's avatar
    Can't wait for this...................on gamepass

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