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De'Longhi KG79 Professional Coffee Beans Burr Grinder 110W 120g Fine to Coarse with code. Sold by K K Electronics-Online

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  1. 89quidyoucantgowrong's avatar
    You can take these apart and adjust the finest grind setting to be fine enough for espresso. We did it with ours and it does a great job. There are tutorials online on how to do it, it's pretty easy. Takes about 20 minutes max.

    My only gripe is that static occasionally occurs with some beans and this makes it messy getting the ground coffee out of the collector. These were selling for as little as £27.50 before lockdown, not sure why inflation has hit coffee grinders so hard!

    edit: bought May 2021 from Amazon UK for £26.76 (edited)
    Gbarrowman's avatar
    Fix static by wetting a few beans before grinding. 🏼
  2. JGav's avatar
    Fine for drip / cafetiere. Useless for espresso.
    tommytbone1's avatar
    You can hack them to go finer. That's what I did and it helped. But if you're using a good espresso machine or looking for tasty espresso, you're not going to be looking at this machine
  3. Dananski's avatar
    I got one of these (or essentially the same if they've tweaked it over time) as a freebie with a Delonghi Dedica, which is a little-above-entry-level consumer "espresso" machine. It's not too bad really, especially compared to cheaper blade-based grinders.

    My one got about 7 years of low usage then went to my dad's where it broke after a week... so perhaps do single doses like I did and it will survive. After it broke, I got him a Wilfa Svart Classic grinder to replace it. It's a step up - seems to be double the price of this right now - but if it goes on sale and you have the space, it does a much better job for anything this KG79 can do.

    If budget is limited to this or less, I'd consider a hand grinder a viable option. KINGrinder P1 seems a promising new one, once it's in stock. It has a very positive review from James Hoffmann.

    All these grinders work for all forms of filter coffee including aeropress, V60, chemex, etc, and for french press. They don't do fine espresso grind, but do alright with a pressurised portafilter basket as shipped with machines like my Dedica, as those take a coarser grind.
    Wolfsbane2k's avatar
    Thanks, i'd missed Hoffman'ns review of the P1 - seems there are loads of knock-offs on the market now though
  4. barneyb's avatar
    One of the first grinders I bought. Don't bother for espresso and consistency is key - it cannot guarantee a set level of grind so just a little better than a chopper grinder.

    My two home grinders for reference are a Mahlkonig ek43s and a niche zero. (edited)
    89quidyoucantgowrong's avatar
    I used to spend silly money on speaker cables and interconnects. It's just coffee. This grinder is fine for the average coffee drinker who wants to be able to grind instead of chop coffee beans. It's a good choice for the budget it's ranged in.

    For reference, I also have a Santos 63mm commercial on-demand grinder which quietly knocks out 18g of perfectly ground coffee in less than two seconds.
  5. Sand22's avatar
    I would avoid this. I had two of these machines both broke - the mechanism for adjusting the grind broke both times leaving unusable. First time I was within warranty, second time I paid the extra and bought a Wilfa. No issues so far
  6. Pokey's avatar
    Is this really the going price for this thing these days? It's worth £30 at a push. £50 would be far better spent on a manual grinder.
  7. Here4theBantz's avatar
    Grinder go burrrr
    oldfarmer89's avatar
    Money printer
  8. Renoir64's avatar
    This is the exact model that we have and it's really good. Great price too.
  9. Matthew_mcm's avatar
    clicked through to ebay and its added some codes and knocked price down to £41.03
    making me more tempted to get this as my first electric grinder . currently got a hario skeleton and
    a Porlex Mini II Hand Coffee Grinder . decisions
    off topic am loving the hario switch

    decided no too bother reviews are pretty dire (edited)
  10. MungoSplodge's avatar
    We have this and its not brilliant, but also not terrible. There are some mindnumbingly stupid design aspects to it, the fact the burr grinders output nozzle is on the side, not above the collection box leads to it being hard to clean and also prone to jamming. it also means everytime you pull the box out it spills ground coffee everywhere. It would have been so easy to design around this and let gravity do all the hard work.
  11. vornstar13's avatar
    What's professional about this?
  12. Davison89's avatar
    Not for Espresso and not even when you do the hack.

    Avid espresso maker.
  13. Gbarrowman's avatar
    I have the Wilfa too, as the result of a Hoffmann recommendation. Very happy with its usability and performance. 
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