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Posted 2 days ago

Electrician help

Our fan oven stopped working yesterday morning. Checked fuse, OK, checked fuse board and nothing tripped. We have 2 ovens so plugged the good one into the bad one's socket and nothing came on and plugged the failed oven into the good oven socket and that was now OK.

Safe to assume the issue is with the socket and nothing else? The only appliance the main fuse is connected to is this oven.

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  1. hubcms's avatar
    If it hasn't tripped it could just be a loose wire in the socket or board.
  2. AndyRoyd's avatar
    The issue is implied to be somewhere between the fuse board and the non-functional single socket.

    Sudden electrical faults on static circuits are typically caused by overloading or physical disturbance such as:
    • disturbed/knocked wiring
    • switch failure
    • gradual loosening connectivity caused by original ineffective connectivity and/or repeated vibration - either local vibration (e.g. washing machine effect) and/or repeated insertion/removal of a plug.

    Would also be worthwhile to check if each plug appliance consumes more than 2700Watts.
  3. Willy_Wonka's avatar
    If the sockets are on the same circuit it will be a faulty socket.

    If not & they are both fed back to the consumer unit separately then it can be anything from the socket that doesn't work to the consumer unit.

    I would repeat what you have done already a couple of times & if the same thing happens then I would be taking the front of the socket that doesn't work & checking the wiring (with the power off to the whole house). If you don't have any loose screws/wires & the fault repeats itself then I would just replace the socket. If it is a 2 gang socket, then I would replace it regardless.

    If the above doesn't solve it then it is time for an electrician because I am assuming if you knew what you were doing then you wouldn't be asking on here.

    And again. "power off to the whole house".
  4. ifitsfreeitsmine's avatar
    Get a plug in socket tester, they can tell you if there is a fault and what the fault is.
  5. harrythefish's avatar
    I've had 2 light switches stop working, in both cases the wire had simply come loose, or more probably had never been screwed in tightly into the terminal block in the first place. Then one day after years of working, the connection broke. With an oven though you need to worry, a poor connection at a terminal block can lead to a fire.
  6. u664541's avatar
    Fixed it.

    The switch on the socket had broken/couldn’t switch off or on. In fact it came off when I removed the socket plate!

    Isolated both ovens as they were connected to a (relatively) new fuse board, checked with multimeter and went about my business. £3 replacement from Wickes resolved it.

    Thanks for all the advice. Much appreciated
  7. SR94UK's avatar
    What you're describing is abit unclear.

    Is it a double socket and you plugged it into the other socket (of the double socket)? You say the main fuse only has this appliance on it, meaning your 2nd oven is connected to a different socket and fuse?
    u664541's avatar
    Each oven connected to a single socket paired to a separate fuse on main fuse board
  8. u664541's avatar
    Cheers all

    I’ve a free day on Wednesday so will check the socket(s) with both breakers off.
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