Get your FREE 100l or 200l water butt for winter south west water

Posted 17th Aug 2022
Get your FREE 100l or 200l water butt for winter

Free delivery also

Get FREE water-saving products today

Start saving water and money (if you're on a water meter) today. If you live in our service area then take advantage of the water-saving products available, they’ll also be delivered for free.

We offer a range of free, and subsidised, water-saving products on the Save Water Save Money website. You can order buffaloo bags that save water with every flush, shower and tap inserts that aerate and reduce the amount of water used, shower timers and more.
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  1. P-A1XAKS's avatar
    Would you mind posting the link again please? Since the gods of HUKDs seem to think this isn't a deal the links gone since it's been converted into discussion 🤦‍♂️
  2. majorwedgy666's avatar
    Cornwall only :
    Free Water butts Offer: Earlier this year we ran a free water butt offer for our customers. This proved to be very popular! We are working on a plan to open up this offer again. We are providing free water butts, from the limited stocks available, for the most water stressed areas of Cornwall. In the meantime, thank you for your patience.
    Pilsbury12's avatar
    Last year the offer was devon and Cornwall but all went in first hour I think
  3. bargainbasher's avatar
    Nice one.Ordered some free bits from Yorkshire water as was put through to their site after putting in postcode
  4. Pilsbury12's avatar
    Completed the questions and no offer of a water butt and I live in south west. All it said about water butts was about the offer run previously
    PlymBird's avatar
    That's odd. Which part of the region are you in?

    I did it yesterday and got the option of one of 2 butts and some indoor bits. A few weeks ago I was only offered the indoor bits. My mate at SWW said it was open to everyone now so perhaps he's wrong or they're still updating the offer?
  5. Luckylucy2's avatar
    Completed questionnaire no doubt now going to get loads of emails and no waterbutt gutted
  6. thfc1882's avatar
    Obligatory I like big butts & I can’t deny quote
  7. PlymBird's avatar
    This is what comes up for me with a South Devon postcode and saying I have a garden and use mains water:49573075-jWmXl.jpg
    johnszi23's avatar
    20 weeks delivery
  8. sueal's avatar
    Thank you. It worked for me.
  9. neoboy's avatar
    Is it a big butt?
  10. deleted9453's avatar
    Water butts are out of stock
  11. Tiger_Tooth's avatar
    Got my water butt delivered this week to find some bits missing from inside, the poly bag inside had been cut open and valve missing plus the top spigot that the flexible hose goes into. Cannkt contact anybody about this so my water butt is a complete waste of time, free or not.
    deleted9453's avatar
    Water Butt Connector Pipe Link Kit…Qun
  12. Phill_W's avatar
    Water butt didn’t appear as an option for me
  13. Dyslexic_Dog's avatar
    West Devon/Cornwall border, free water butt, but 20 week delivery!
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