Posted 8 hours ago

Vat on EBay

When did eBay start adding VAT on purchases? I bought two items last week and only just noticed the invoice included VAT, I think I’ll have to stick to Amazon now, with the added VAT it’s no longer cheaper.
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  1. AndyRoyd's avatar
    Ebay collects VAT on items shifted by VAT-reg biz sellers unless the item is exempt or subject to margin scheme.
    It may also collect VAT on imports.
    Been this way since ebay became the payment recipient few years ago; maybe Jan 2021 ?

    Unlikely Amazon will apply its VAT collection obligations differently.
  2. yorkie12's avatar
    If the item is from abroad then eBay add VAT, like AliExpress ,etc. do. Most stuff on Amazon has VAT already included.
  3. Willy_Wonka's avatar
    You obviously haven't looked at your Amazon orders.
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