Posted 3 days ago

Amazon S&S acting up/changed

Is it just me or Amazon lately changed the way we can do S&S?

Basically if I want to subscribe to a product now, it will arrive in 2 days and the next delivery, i.e. in a month will only have the discount applied.

It even wasn't possible for me over the past week to add products to my upcoming delivery in the 2nd of July...
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  1. NuffinisFree's avatar

    If your S&S delivery is due on the 2nd July then your cut off date would have been 5 or 6 days earlier. Around this time it gives you the option to select when you want your items delivered when ordering anything new.
    (check on the right hand side where the date is, its so tiny its easy to miss)
    You should get a pop up window then which allows you select if you want asap delivery or add item to S&S delivery
  2. SaturdayGigs's avatar
    Same as usual for me
  3. okiedokie's avatar
    Not sure what's wrong but mine is fine...
  4. Mind_Craft's avatar
    I figured out the issue.
    Leaving it here for future reference.

    My delivery day settings were misaligned.
    Then weekly ones were not on the same day as the monthly ones.
  5. smith2001uk's avatar
    Mine stops me adding any product to my next delivery when it's within 6-7 days (when it sends the please check your upcoming delivery email). It always had to be added to the next one.
  6. Sarah_Gunn's avatar
    Next vip slot please
    SaturdayGigs's avatar
    Wrong thread
  7. jco83's avatar
    people have made discussions here saying the discount was lost, so don't assume the price you ordered it at on S&S is what you will be charged
    Mind_Craft's avatar
    I know that, I noticed they keep changing them often.
    I wasn't getti g the regular 15% off though for 5+ items.
  8. c9off's avatar
    I have had this issue just over the last week or two, just to be clear:

    I order something on S&S, they only offer 5% discount with immediate delivery, unlike in the past when ALL S&S orders would automatically be delivered on the next monthly date. This prevents me from using discount offers combined with other offers, plus 10% on first order. My delivery dates are aligned by the way.
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