Posted 2 days ago

Anyone used The Vault UK or Stock X to buy trainers?

Hi all,

Has anyone purchased from any of these websites, my boy wants trainers but only available on these websites, any advice appreciated if they are legit.
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  1. harji12345's avatar
    used stockx, a few years ago and had no issues. however have heard reports of sometimes they do get through as they are so good :/ which is not what you want to hear
    GOAT charges import fees
    eBay has had authenticity guaranteed which is good, and uk based so do get them quickly

    Havent used vault UK

  2. ChelseaRae's avatar
    I’ve used Stock X twice (once on behalf of my brother as I begrudge paying over retail for shoes) and have had no issues, but they no longer guarantee “authenticity” after a lawsuit with Nike, which acknowledges fakes have gotten through. Shoes are now “verified” instead. Positive of that is they now have a remodelled dispute system if you’re not happy with the shoe you receive though I can’t comment on it from personal experience.

    Never heard of The Vault.

    I had a bad experience using eBay as the shoes were received as authentic but had major quality control issues. Going back and forth took a while, and my son didn’t have the shoes in time for his birthday but eBay did eventually agree to credit the difference in price as I had to source another pair in the same size via their site.

    Which shoe are you after? Generally speaking, hyped older releases are more likely to have a better replica as there’s been more time to “perfect” it.
    Mich8ll8's avatar
    He is after a pair of Nike air max 95 which were released a couple of year back and looked at a few pairs on various sites and already spotted some fakes…just don’t want to pay out a couple of hundred to then have issues with them and obviously read mixed reviews so still indecisive on what to do.