Posted 3 days ago

London Heathrow Airport Lounge (T4)

Travelling abroad later this year and just wondering if it’s worth booking?

Travelling is 2 children under 12 and 2 adults.

Any good discounts? Best I could find was Wowcher and buy a discount for priority pass which works out about £40 in total and then £25 a person.

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  1. bozo007's avatar
    Lounges are full, won't be fun.
    Matthew_mcm's avatar
    these paid lounges are pretty carp and normally not a patch on the actual airline lounges
  2. TristanDeCoonha's avatar
    As you are only going to be a maximum of 3 hours, assuming no delays, why not just sit out there with all the other sweaties, and with the money saved you could just about get a meal deal each the McD, and a bottle of water from Boots.
  3. joyf4536's avatar
    Travelling is 2 children under 12

    Sorry they are fully booked.
  4. windym's avatar
    I take it you aren't travelling business/first. There are some ways you can get lounge passes but deals to do with cards are excluded on here. Your deal sounds like a reasonable one.
    tri_94's avatar
    Thank you, are the lounges worth it? It seems a lot of money for a place to be for 3 hours
  5. student.223's avatar
    How long would you be at the airport for?
  6. tri_94's avatar
    Thanks for all the replies, has anyone used Heathrow’s ones? Are they any good?

    Only reason considering was thought it was be better for the children?
    Matthew_mcm's avatar
    basically you will have a limited range of soft drinks and alcohol and some snacks eg soup cheese and crackers a sad side salad packets of crisps etc .
    depending on time of year day they may be busy .
    may be a bit quieter that the terminal .
    some power sockets to charge your devices .
  7. tri_94's avatar
    Thank you all for the comments
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