Posted 1 day ago

What should I use to fill my plastic plant feet

I have a load of plastic feet to put my plants on however, they are hollow and I would like to fill them so they feel more stable. I did try plaster of paris but it fell out within a few weeks.... Any ideas or suggestions please?
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  1. yorkie12's avatar
    Need something heavy ? You could try cement but may also fall out but at least then you'll have a bonus cement plant pot foot
  2. Matthew_mcm's avatar
    fill them with gravel
  3. EndlessWaves's avatar
    What design as they and what's causing them to feel unstable?

    I don't think weight alone is going to make a very meaningful change, the amount of stuff you can fit in a typical plant pot foot is going to be much less than the weight already on top of it. Unless they stick out quite a bit and you keep knocking the feet but not the pot.
    Veedub's avatar
    I think it's that they are so light, a simple tap knocks them and sometimes the plant pot just spills over
  4. Veedub's avatar
    I have seen them some time ago with something like a glue/epoxy or something similar
  5. Mendoza's avatar
    Veedub's avatar
    Sand isn't practical it's a hollow bottom
  6. paddy.stone's avatar
    I think concrete, but also if you find some thickish wire before you concrete them, and put a hole through the feet sideways for the wire, then it's all tied together and the concrete can't fall out.
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