Posted 18 June 2024

Looking for best value laptop for video processing


Need a laptop to process 4K videos. I guess this means having an independent graphics card? Does it have to be a Nvidia RTX card or are there other cards that can do the same job?
I'm looking for a sub £1k laptop.

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  1. EndlessWaves's avatar
    What sort of 'processing' are you doing to them? Converting? Editing? Analysis?

    Generally the GPU is a specialised processor suited to certain jobs and requires explicit support from the program using it so the best way to find out whether a more powerful one would benefit you is to check the software you're using and benchmarks of them on the tasks you're doing.
  2. mogsog's avatar
    I understand people needing high-end laptops for doing certain things out cannot outsource to other hardware like when you game on them.

    However, I would personally advise against using a laptop for doing intensive video editing, you'd be far better off buying a small desktop PC with a graphics card that has better ventilation which can breathe and just connect to it from the laptop which then can be cheaper as it won't need egpu / gpu.

    Even if you go down the graphics card dock / box / egpu route the current standards for them seem to be a bit all over the place and finding the sub 1k laptop which meets them and getting the egpu will likely be far out for budget.

    People from film and tv studios are able to do production level editing controlling workstations remotely so I can't imagine it's diffcult.

    Having a desktop machine to do the heavy lifting is better as it's cheaper to get a high end card inside one and desktop PCs are less thermally challanged. Having two very high powered dies inside producing loads of heat is not ideal. Rending video files and editing on a laptop is a brillant way to drive it to an early death thermally or at the very least significantly strain it.

    If you can have an editing server I would recommend it.

    If you cannot spare the space for a mitx case somewhere then I suppose an eGPU makes sense. But I'd sooner have a mitx PC just in case my laptop ever broke as the eGPU docks along with a compatible laptop can be expensive.

    Totally your choice though. (edited)
    flapmio's avatar
    Wow, technology is really motoring! Never heard of eGPU before but just looked into it and that's crazy! Could possibly be the best combo for a laptop as really need something portable and can't afford to buy both a laptop and desktop PC.
    Thanks, definitely looking into it.
  3. aLV426's avatar
    You'll not have a good experience editing 4K video on a sub £1k laptop. It's the difference between spending 10~15 minutes editing under an hour of 4K footage, vs several hours! A MacBook M1 even 2nd hand would be around £1.5k...
    This is probably as cheap as I would go on a laptop for 4k editing:…q1j
    It does have the advantage of a second screen that you can use for the video timeline...
    There are plenty of options out there, just not in your budget.
    An i7 or i9, at least 32GB, preferably 64GB RAM, a dedicated GPU is recommended, however it depends what software you use as not all of them take full advantage of certain GPUs... (edited)
    flapmio's avatar
    Wow, thought most laptops nowadays would be able to edit 4K vids quickly, but yeah several hours is not what I want
  4. flapmio's avatar
    Thanks for all the replies.
    I finally decided that I need a good portable laptop so am willing to fork the extra for a decent one
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